Friday 28 May 2010


VR3 have designed and developed sites using WordPress for the last 3 years. We have found that as an open source CMS it is user friendly, excellent for SEO and has a growing number of plugins, including eCommerce, Tweet Blender and AdRotate.

The developers of WordPress have released BuddyPress, an open source Web 2.0 application that allows website owners and managers to add a self hosted and customisable social networking element to a website. The BuddyPress website refers to the application as 'social networking in a box'.

What does it do?

BuddyPress has all of the manageable elements expected of a social networking website, including friend connections, private messages, discussion forums, groups and activity streams. With it being an open source application there are also a number of plugins available, with more to come.

What can BuddyPress be used for?

BuddyPress can be used to build a network as a communication tool for sports clubs and special interest groups, online portfolios for schools and colleges as well as building captivated groups of clients/users for commercial organisations.

The features and plugins allow the users to communicate with each other, sharing ideas, opinions, events and blogs. They also allow commercial organisations the opportunity to share information of special offers, product launches and future developments to a targeted audience.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving us this useful information. BuddyPress Media adds Photos, Music, Videos & Albums to your BuddyPress powered social network. WBCOM DESIGNS is Hiring a buddypress expert! WBCOM DESIGNS is an experienced BuddyPress development firm offering buddypress customization design and development for BuddyPress. WBCOM DESIGNS is proud to make the best BuddyPress designer in the world. Thanks for sharing.....
